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About Cornish Food

Fishing For The Future

Fishing For

The Future

Thousands of people in Cornwall depend on the sea and coastline for their living, and none more so than the fishers who carve out a demanding existence from it, never knowing what the day might bring. It’s a way of life on which whole communities depend too, often far grittier under the surface than their picture postcard image might suggest.

Seafood is also one of the cornerstones of the culinary reputation that brings people to Cornwall and Scilly from all over the world. But this reputation for producing and serving great seafood hasn’t come about simply by virtue of being a place surrounded by the sea.

A unique combination of natural factors creates a marine environment that attracts a colossal variety of fish and shellfish around these shores.

This has led to a vibrant mixed fishery, supporting alongside the bigger vessels a larger fleet of small fishing boats than anywhere else in Britain. These catch and handle fish in ways that not only retain its quality and freshness but are also highly sustainable.

Cornwall’s network of fishermen, merchants, fishmongers and chefs who depend on a healthy, long-term fishery for their living understand the importance of managing the ocean responsibly.

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Future farming

Working together

Evolving tradition
